Sent by Emmanuel Olayinka on 07/07/2011

Dear Mama, One thousand four hundred and sixty days ago today, you passed into eternity. We know you have stepped into eternal delight. For we are persuaded beyond doubt (we are sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor things impending and threatening nor things to come nor powers. Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD, which is in CHRIST JESUS. Mum, you lived an exemplary life, our joy unspeakable is you slept in our Lord Jesus. In fact through you mum, we your children discovered JESUS CHRIST. This is a legacy that we linger on and will remain permanently, and we promise you mum, we are prepared to pass on to our generation. We will NEVER LET YOU DOWN. You were a unique mum indeed, the best mum in the world. You thought us how to face the impossibilities of life that gives us the opportunity to have our trust in God, you thought us not to inherit talent but to absorb the core values of Jesus Christ. Your heart was always beating with LOVE FOR JESUS. You thought us to strengthen our faith in God and to seek the face of God, and to daily dedicate ourselves to JESUS CHRIST, that the gains of heaven will more than compensate for the losses of earth. We knew through you mum, that the promises of heaven is not an empty hype but an eternal hope and to be rich in God is far better than to be rich in goods. Our faith in Christ has kept us steady in the stormy sea of change when you left mum. With your departure mum, death is now powerless to hurt us because JESUS took the sting. Death may “buzz around” and scare us, but it cannot hurt us anymore. All death can do is to open the door to Glory. One thing we do is to press towards the goal. Our purpose on earth is to serve our Creator. God is the only Ally we need (HAVE). SONG: When we get to heaven on the marriage supper where the saints are gathered on the last assembly, no more sorrows, no more heart aching, no more dying, no more pains, bye, bye to devil. Victory at last. Sleep on Mum, till we meet to part no more. Adieu our dearest Mum. Mum keep resting in bosom of our LORD JESUS CHRIST